Monday, July 26, 2010

Just keep swimming...

Our pool is now officially opened!!! WAHOO! It is a little bit cold but watev cause I'm just glad that I could dip my toes in it.

Soccer practice later (yall know my opinion on that)

I'm about to put on some tattoos that I got when I was about 5 and this will be fun.

I used bobby pins for the first time in my life today, and I've gotta say the work pretty swell.

I miss math class a lot right now and wish they had let us keep the books so I could play with mine :'(

Bread smells and tastes good and so do vanilla covered raisins.

Cody apparently got in a car accident today where he was driving on gravel, swerved to miss some type of animal, and his car flipped like 3 times so please pray for him.

I recently found out that Dory was played by Ellen Degeneres (no clue how to spell last name) so I'm pretty disappointed.

Think that's about it so bye!



  1. Wow! I think that you covered it all!

  2. Your pool has been opened, you have tattoos, and you get to play soccer!!!! Yay! :D

    I'll be praying for Cody-- let us know how he does, k?

    Vanilla covered raisins??? I think I'll pass.....

  3. Glad to hear about the pool.. Also Glad U miss math and keep that attitude. Believe me in my work I have seen the results of people who did not enjoy math and never learned the logic of how think through problems. Life is full of problems that you will excerise the art of logic on. Sad about Cody, is he in the hospital ?
    Love and prayers
    I cannot understand why someone would destroy a perfectly good rasin :)

  4. If you would like, I have an Algebra I and II book that you can borrow for the rest of the summer :) Even Geometry and Advanced Math if you are, fun, fun!(not)
    Aunt Sherri
