Saturday, November 27, 2010

Shopping with me

Well, we went out Christmas shopping today. It was fun except for the fact that I'm exhausted and have only gotten presents for a little over half the people in my immediate family :/. We ended up going to Kohl's at the last minute, and I saw someone I knew there. If you have ever gone shopping with me, you probably know that whenever I see someone who is not in my family that I did not plan on seeing I hide from them (even if it isn't really them and I thought it might be). If you didn't know that then I'm glad to share that little tidbit of information with you (unless you're not in my family because you now know that I will hide from you in public). I do not know why I do this, but it probably has something to do with the fact that I can be very antisocial if I want to. Sorry to any of you readers that I have hidden from in the past or the future years :)

O yeah, by the way, my cat wouldn't stop trying to jump on my pillow last night so I completely blocked it with my arms. Unfortunately, she was not discouraged. She then jumped over one of my arms landed on my hand with her back paws (which still have claws) and proceeded to fall off my bed while stabbing me with her very sharp, uncut, annoying nails. It was a very painful early morning for me... I became annoyed with her and locked her in the basement after feeding her and Lizzie. She won the battle of wills again- not by getting my pillow, but by forcing me to feed her :(

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Jane Austen Fight Club

"No corsets, no hat pins, and no crying"
I love it!

Sunday, August 1, 2010


I'm tired yet I want to swim.

I'm not hungry yet I want to eat (never mind I changed my mind).

Nothing is on tv and I actually don't want to read.

I could embarrass Dani on here really easily but I don't know if she reads this so there's no use until I figure that out.

I will go to walmart someday and buy myself some goggles (probably not today though).

The library needs to get more books.

A Drop in the Ocean by Ron Pope has been stuck in my head for several days now.

I'm rather bored to put it plainly.


Monday, July 26, 2010

Just keep swimming...

Our pool is now officially opened!!! WAHOO! It is a little bit cold but watev cause I'm just glad that I could dip my toes in it.

Soccer practice later (yall know my opinion on that)

I'm about to put on some tattoos that I got when I was about 5 and this will be fun.

I used bobby pins for the first time in my life today, and I've gotta say the work pretty swell.

I miss math class a lot right now and wish they had let us keep the books so I could play with mine :'(

Bread smells and tastes good and so do vanilla covered raisins.

Cody apparently got in a car accident today where he was driving on gravel, swerved to miss some type of animal, and his car flipped like 3 times so please pray for him.

I recently found out that Dory was played by Ellen Degeneres (no clue how to spell last name) so I'm pretty disappointed.

Think that's about it so bye!


Monday, July 12, 2010

I love free stuff!

A few random facts today

My new glasses came in today!!!

Soccer practice starts today.

Most people get a swimsuit tan line I have a t-shirt tan line :)

After the church picnic yesterday I slept about 10 hrs!!!

If I only put one exclamation point it looks weird to me so I have to put three idk why


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Camp Chof Overview

(Beth and I forget her name were included in this picture even though they were on the staff, but they pretty much lived with us because they were Mindy's friends)

Well I'm back! Camp was pretty fun even though if I hadn't known before that it was a Baptist church camp I wouldn't have been able to figure that out except for the messages. Of course other than the messages I wouldn't have thought that it was a church camp at all, but that is a whole other story in itself.

There were 10 people in my cabin including me: Mindy ( our counselor), Katie Dickerson (Matt's girlfriend :), Kayti Sayer (my free ride), Nicole (goes to NBBC), Kara (also goes to NBBC and reminds me of Kelston except for she's a lot nicer not that Kelston isn't nice but Kara was in her own league), Your's truly :D, Jordan (she was nice and very competitive), Kaili (nice also but boy-oriented or at least one boy), Sam (quieter than the others but still one of the quadruplets), and Anna (very unique and very worried about having to go to juvie because of a car accident where she accidentally hit a motorcyclists and he died).

By the way I joined a gang, and I happen to think that we are pretty cool.
Here's us doing our gang sign. Jeffrey wasn't supposed to be in it.(I didn't take any of these pics)

I was also told that if it had been a Southern Baptist camp it would've been less colorful in many ways.

All in all my favorite part of camp was the watermelon game where you pretty much wrestle a watermelon to the other team's side of the pool without drowning (no one got seriously injured but wow was there a lot of hate!)

Tell you guys more later!


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Collision Camp

Ok, I'm starting to freak out cause my bags are packed and I'm gonna be leaving in a couple of hours to go to camp so please pray for me cause I'm freaking out. I know I'll probably have fun but not yet.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Today I'm going thrift store shopping with the my mom, Mrs. Sayer, and Kayti. We're getting ready for the church camp that I'm going to with Kayti(Collision Camp in Camp Chof). Mr. Sayer is a veteran so his kids get in free and they are allowed to bring a friend for free!

We had our pictures taken a couple of days ago with Sam, and I actually liked the picture!!! That's a first cause I usually hate my pics (I'm not very photogenic). Grandpa Merringer took us out to eat afterwards to what he and grandma called a smorgasbord aka Sally's Buffet just outside of the Indian Mound Mall (at least I think that's which one it was it was the mall in Newark). Some of their food tasted delis, but some of it didn't taste so great. It mostly tasted good though[I especially liked the m&m's they had for their ice cream (I unfortunately didn't have any of that:'( )] and I had a really good time.

I still hate running, but I'm obviously still alive so yeah. Lately, I've been trying to blackmail mom into letting me have ice cream by saying if she does certain stuff that she shouldn't that she'll have to buy me ice cream. Unfortunately, this is working very well for her, and she is behaving herself while I am going crazy from lack of ice cream during the summer (yes, I realize we just had a party a couple of days ago with ice cream- which happened to taste very good :D- but that was a while ago and by the time I'm allowed to eat ice cream again I will get it once and be fine so please don't worry about me perishing from an overdose on lactose- hey that rhymes!!! I'm a poet and didn't even know it!- I'll be fine- wow this is a really long parenthesis thingy).

I can't believe I wrote this much so see ya later!


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Not gut

1. My leg is sore.
2. I am grumpy and tired.
3. I don't want to do the exercising Mrs. Dempsey said to do.
4. I hate running and don't want to be told to do it or any other form of exercise.
5. My mom won't let me eat sweets until I start exercising.
6. I was nice to my cat and let her sleep on my bed. The favor was returned by her waking me up at 5:30 in the morning. (I locked her out of my room and ignored her until about a half an hour ago)
This is gonna be a great day.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Graduations and the Weather

Yesterday, I went to Matt and Chase's graduation. Let me tell you I didn't realize that Mrs. Harshbarger and Matt were so emotional! I can understand, but since I've never been to a graduation before this one I didn't really realize what was going on. Lauren is graduating in one day. ONE DAY!!!! then I will have another cousing graduated (I don't really count the other 2 though cause I never see them) I feel really special when I remember that I am the second oldest girl cousin though cause it makes me feel like I'm gonna be graduating soon- which I'm not since in a few days I'll only be a sophmore but watev.

Lets just put it likes this I love subway! It takes good and is healthy and it smells good too.

O yeah question of the day: Why do mosquito bites by your eyes make your eyes swell up but they don't really do anything anywhere else?

O yeah it's really hot- if I said that at school everyone would be a little bit happy cause the school is freezing which is a good thing now that I think about it but not so good since most people wear sweaters and sweatshirts when it feels like summer.

Talk to ya later

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Exams, Annoying Cats, and Prayer Request

Well I was so excited this morning that I could sleep in since I was exempt(that word makes me feel really smart:) from all my exams, but Sweetie had a different idea for what I could do in the morning. I ended up waking up an hour and 45 mins earlier than normal. I then locked Sweetie in the basement, and I went back to bed. At the normal time for us to wake up Sweetie was set free, and I was again tormented by that poor hungry cat that couldn't wait until a decent hour in the morning to eat! I ended up feeding her while everyone else was getting ready for the day, and she was happy and has left me alone to enjoy my morning.

Please pass the word around to pray for a girl named Emilie that has started to come to youth group. She and her family have a lot of issues and she is having trouble coping. Thanks!

O yeah P.S. Lauren graduates in a couple of days! Thats just crazy!

Monday, April 5, 2010


Earlier today I was going downstairs and Sweetie must've spilled her water cause my left foot(luckily) landed in it and i completely wiped out. My right knee and toes took most of the so I'm fine but it was really close to hitting my bad knee into the floor which would of hurt a lot.
A few minutes ago I was taking the trash out and forgot to move my head and hit myself in the head with the door going to the garage so that felt good.
Overall it's been a pretty good albeit painful day today though :)
talk to ya later!

Sunday, March 14, 2010


I never realized it was so tiring to bake and eat cookies! Seriously think about it... I am exhausted!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

the ground is cold

Today was a beautiful day! It was warm outside and it was raining! I actually finished the Bible project with Carolyn, Catherine, and Michaela with Carolyn and Catherine's friend Michaela help. Overall it has been a good day :)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

its just life...

Have you ever had one of those days where everything finally seems to be going well? You did well on all the tests, you listened during class, you were able to get a good grade on projects, you were able to hang out with your friends, you had an (in my standards) an amazing praise and worship chapel, all around your day seems to be going all in the right directions. Suddenly, your hit by the one thing you did not expect nor do you have the patience to deal with (not that you ever have enough patience with that subject). You try not to lose your patience, but the person blows you off and you think about teaching the person a lesson in a mistake they do not understand because of their complete lack of maturity. You then want to do lots of physical damage to that person for messing with your family as a really smart person once said something like mess with me I'll let it go mess with my family the gloves are coming off. That pretty much sums up my emotion of the day: anger. I tried to be really mature, but luckily the person shut up and left me alone before he said anything else that could make me fall over the edge of my anger limit (because truthfully that would have taken nothing more than a single word, a single look, a single touch, a single silence... you get my drift?). Thats life for ya! O well other than that my day was going perfectly :)
see ya later,

Saturday, March 6, 2010


yes, I've realized and am sorry that I haven't blogged in a while and I will try to better in the future, but since this is my blog I have decided to tell the world my opinion on something that has been annoying me for years. Ok it's partially an opinion partially a question so here it is: guys want their opinion known and they tell you to do things (thats partially good partially not), but if they want they can be very vague and assume things that they assume you assume also where you really don't assume( you wonder sometimes but you don't want to be embarrassed so you don't put your hope into them) or you do assume and they end up not assuming at all and you are the one that messed up not them for finally getting with the program and assuming except you weren't supposed to right then. why is life so confusing??????