Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Camp Chof Overview

(Beth and I forget her name were included in this picture even though they were on the staff, but they pretty much lived with us because they were Mindy's friends)

Well I'm back! Camp was pretty fun even though if I hadn't known before that it was a Baptist church camp I wouldn't have been able to figure that out except for the messages. Of course other than the messages I wouldn't have thought that it was a church camp at all, but that is a whole other story in itself.

There were 10 people in my cabin including me: Mindy ( our counselor), Katie Dickerson (Matt's girlfriend :), Kayti Sayer (my free ride), Nicole (goes to NBBC), Kara (also goes to NBBC and reminds me of Kelston except for she's a lot nicer not that Kelston isn't nice but Kara was in her own league), Your's truly :D, Jordan (she was nice and very competitive), Kaili (nice also but boy-oriented or at least one boy), Sam (quieter than the others but still one of the quadruplets), and Anna (very unique and very worried about having to go to juvie because of a car accident where she accidentally hit a motorcyclists and he died).

By the way I joined a gang, and I happen to think that we are pretty cool.
Here's us doing our gang sign. Jeffrey wasn't supposed to be in it.(I didn't take any of these pics)

I was also told that if it had been a Southern Baptist camp it would've been less colorful in many ways.

All in all my favorite part of camp was the watermelon game where you pretty much wrestle a watermelon to the other team's side of the pool without drowning (no one got seriously injured but wow was there a lot of hate!)

Tell you guys more later!


1 comment:

  1. Love the gang pictures!!! Thanks for posting these. :)
