Friday, May 28, 2010

Graduations and the Weather

Yesterday, I went to Matt and Chase's graduation. Let me tell you I didn't realize that Mrs. Harshbarger and Matt were so emotional! I can understand, but since I've never been to a graduation before this one I didn't really realize what was going on. Lauren is graduating in one day. ONE DAY!!!! then I will have another cousing graduated (I don't really count the other 2 though cause I never see them) I feel really special when I remember that I am the second oldest girl cousin though cause it makes me feel like I'm gonna be graduating soon- which I'm not since in a few days I'll only be a sophmore but watev.

Lets just put it likes this I love subway! It takes good and is healthy and it smells good too.

O yeah question of the day: Why do mosquito bites by your eyes make your eyes swell up but they don't really do anything anywhere else?

O yeah it's really hot- if I said that at school everyone would be a little bit happy cause the school is freezing which is a good thing now that I think about it but not so good since most people wear sweaters and sweatshirts when it feels like summer.

Talk to ya later

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Exams, Annoying Cats, and Prayer Request

Well I was so excited this morning that I could sleep in since I was exempt(that word makes me feel really smart:) from all my exams, but Sweetie had a different idea for what I could do in the morning. I ended up waking up an hour and 45 mins earlier than normal. I then locked Sweetie in the basement, and I went back to bed. At the normal time for us to wake up Sweetie was set free, and I was again tormented by that poor hungry cat that couldn't wait until a decent hour in the morning to eat! I ended up feeding her while everyone else was getting ready for the day, and she was happy and has left me alone to enjoy my morning.

Please pass the word around to pray for a girl named Emilie that has started to come to youth group. She and her family have a lot of issues and she is having trouble coping. Thanks!

O yeah P.S. Lauren graduates in a couple of days! Thats just crazy!