Saturday, November 27, 2010

Shopping with me

Well, we went out Christmas shopping today. It was fun except for the fact that I'm exhausted and have only gotten presents for a little over half the people in my immediate family :/. We ended up going to Kohl's at the last minute, and I saw someone I knew there. If you have ever gone shopping with me, you probably know that whenever I see someone who is not in my family that I did not plan on seeing I hide from them (even if it isn't really them and I thought it might be). If you didn't know that then I'm glad to share that little tidbit of information with you (unless you're not in my family because you now know that I will hide from you in public). I do not know why I do this, but it probably has something to do with the fact that I can be very antisocial if I want to. Sorry to any of you readers that I have hidden from in the past or the future years :)

O yeah, by the way, my cat wouldn't stop trying to jump on my pillow last night so I completely blocked it with my arms. Unfortunately, she was not discouraged. She then jumped over one of my arms landed on my hand with her back paws (which still have claws) and proceeded to fall off my bed while stabbing me with her very sharp, uncut, annoying nails. It was a very painful early morning for me... I became annoyed with her and locked her in the basement after feeding her and Lizzie. She won the battle of wills again- not by getting my pillow, but by forcing me to feed her :(